Monday, July 1, 2019

The Blasted Month of July

The previous month makes no dazzling entrance and will shy away from too much exposure, but July will blast in, and it will trumpet and roar. The heat of its fire alone will scorch everyone in a blazing beam that demands your full attention. Despite this it will serve as a furnace regardless of obtaining proper greetings. Lava will power this furnace, too.

When it steps up and steps all over, and grinds into the concrete and stamps the pavement with choking oppression, you will know that July is in fact trying to kill you. It fancies itself as a cleansing fire but it's too full of ash and soot to do anything but be nasty. And it will never allow a cool breeze without first causing a multitude of obstacles for it.

This is the time to be in the water. To shield yourself in a cocoon of moss and rock formations that blend with the terrain, if only to escape any wrath of July's whims. It will bring stark skies and long days that won't relent. It would sting you if it could morph into a giant bee. So it improvises sometimes and just conjures up a swarm of bees instead.

July will laugh at you and has no mercy. It gives its gifts as a polar opposite of the other side of the season, on the other side of the year. In otherwords, its gifts aren't welcome so much as they are planned for, prepared for, and painstakingly mapped out and awaited for. In short, it'll be long if you aren't on your toes when it arrives.

An Observation by Iggy 2019

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