Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Chilling Month of October

Nobody wants it except for the festive end of it. The lead up is dreary. There is nothing fun about the potential of getting sick and bed-ridden. This is a prelude to October's exit. Before it even exits! It has no sympathy. It has shutters that creak and tap in the wind. It shows markings of rustic settlements and peeled paint on abandoned houses. Creepy in the dark, abandoned houses. The fields cry out in despair as they have no layers of warmth from above now.

And October's apathy is even worse when and if the days and weeks before its end should be decently warm, that when it knows it's time for its departure, it will do something untoward to see to it that you remember something about it. It is most recommended to avoid October.

Although we do forget and it can just deal with it. Sometimes October reminds of the ghosts and a full moon. The magic of the moonlight showing through dead branches is a nice touch but that can be seen anytime during this season. October has claimed it as its own though. October is greedy and shrill.

An Observation by Iggy 2019

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