Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Amateurish Month of June

It's almost as if you can tell how subtle it comes into being. Everything seems to be a remnant from last month for the most part. There is one thing June brings in abundance though. Bugs. Lots of these things. The turn of the world seems new again. And you'll find there will be less rainfall. Give or take. Strange sunsets will strike you, and these will hang around a little longer.

But there's something that's a bit off. A little askew. It smiles awry. Its land aslant. An ocean tide engulfs some quiet alcove and then it seems washed away like the last age. Something rings from another century throughout this month, too. It's not eerie, but instead a fond memory of sunshine in the fields. Then you remember that you forgot. That's how June works.

The time is designed to be playful. You must find yourself in some watery environment to feel the world of June. You cannot access it through patios and sundecks. You can't see it with lanterns and telescopes. But it shows itself in weird things like a lost glass bottle that once held the scent of violets and straw. It will tease the humans, confront the birds, and make some obscure reference to being on a quest for the dew that was once shining off of the leaves, the grasses, and some windows.

An Observation by Iggy 2019

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Measly Month of May

Another month that offers a brief life of promises and hope but ends up ending all too soon. Oh and its promises are fleeting if not entirely forgotten. May holds an empty hand to the sky, to grab the sunlight and bring it down to admire. It may share of that with you. But it won't let you race with the rays or dance with the deity of the season.

It reserves all rights and passages to the realms of eternal green for itself. The paradise that it is will close off without warning. The only way left to go is onto another month of question and confusion of how this time works. And the confusion isn't worth the time to ponder. Stones need to be skipped. That's how you deal with this month.

There will be pipers, and perhaps some birthday cake stories. One tale will be strange and strangely tragic and the other will be a terrible story about someone not getting their cake. Somehow that will describe the odd bits of this month. Like a ghost in the woods that's been demoted to using wildflowers as omens.

It's forever just a gateway, a threshold to something pleasant and wondrous. That is if you're lucky enough to get here under pleasant conditions. That's not always the case. As for the season of life, there's hidden some rather awful things here. The best way to skate past the debris of some fallen monument of its glory, is to literally skate upon a layer of faux ice and smooth stone from the nearest rocky edge of a sea-stricken cliff.

An Observation by Iggy 2019

Friday, June 28, 2019

The Vague Month of April

How does this month even register on the calendar? Other than some odd Rite of Spring, its overtones of lush green and pastel blue disguise that somewhere nearby there's still a chill echoing off some dark reminder of the past. It laughs it off though. You start to relax, but you know the routine. It's not going to slow down enough for one to take in the full intoxication of this month.

It'll wind around your head, play in the meadows, it'll frolic in the tree branches, and slide across still waters. But it'll be gone by nightfall. It'll whisper vaguely and you won't know what it said.

If you strain to listen, you'll be met with its silence. Your heart can pick up the message though. Somewhere between the beat of spring, and the snappy farewell to the past, you may finally hear its words, and they'll disappoint you when all it was saying was some stupid anecdote of how it once made bunnies out of a month's supply of fluffy clouds.

An Observation by Iggy 2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Chilling Month of October

Nobody wants it except for the festive end of it. The lead up is dreary. There is nothing fun about the potential of getting sick and bed-ridden. This is a prelude to October's exit. Before it even exits! It has no sympathy. It has shutters that creak and tap in the wind. It shows markings of rustic settlements and peeled paint on abandoned houses. Creepy in the dark, abandoned houses. The fields cry out in despair as they have no layers of warmth from above now.

And October's apathy is even worse when and if the days and weeks before its end should be decently warm, that when it knows it's time for its departure, it will do something untoward to see to it that you remember something about it. It is most recommended to avoid October.

Although we do forget and it can just deal with it. Sometimes October reminds of the ghosts and a full moon. The magic of the moonlight showing through dead branches is a nice touch but that can be seen anytime during this season. October has claimed it as its own though. October is greedy and shrill.

An Observation by Iggy 2019

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Dreaded Month of September

It creeps upon you, very soft and subtle if you weren't paying attention to the calendar. But if you were, you either praise its return or dread its ending. But dread it you will! For the time it approaches you know the swimming in warn water will be something you will have either missed or will have to wait ten long months before any water is warm. Anywhere. September is the curse of a late season that should never wane into something even more dreaded.

But that's what it will be. Something that is timed and while the air is soft and warm it seems, and there's a sense of relaxation, don't fall for it! It is timing you and it is some warped stopwatch that ticks away like a pendulum.

Work is present. Hard work. For one thing, you know that all the trees want to fling all their leafy clothes on your yard, your walkways, everything. Like sand, it seeks to fill all spaces with no mercy. And it also foretells of a sort of sandy existence. That of a dry, barren desert! As at the end, that's what's coming. Nothing will be alive after it comes and goes. September sucks!

An Observation by Iggy 2019