Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Onslaught Month of January

Beginning already with a late night and sure to be a slow day ahead and sleeping all morning, you feel that something went awry with the late hour to an early hour and then back to a late hour that isn't late at all, for the shorter days. But it will tell your inner time frame that you are officially a night owl. Even if you rise early regardless of the weariness.

It drags on for a week then another endless three or four follow. The previous months of festive clamor are now somewhere long ago in the past. There's nothing here in January. Just bitter cold and bitter light should it peep through. January seeks to blind you with harsh light and stab with subspace temperatures. It means to kill everyone. Yet it's hard to fight its wrath.

It has no business being a month of new years, but it somehow went that way. Perhaps some wisdom from fairy magic subdued its destructive power by marking it a beginning of a new year each year because the energy of new life and new beginnings was needed. So January was somewhat held back. But not enough. As it still has these problems. Fly by quickly January. Get lost with your frost.

 An Observation by Iggy 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

The Draining Month of November

Knowing there will be at least three more months of bitterness and frost and the approaching season of death, the energies begin to wane. Like a moon that was bright once but given away to a darkening hour of which there are less, to the dimly lit areas of space.

This is the month unfortunates may be abducted by aliens. You expect snow in this time. But November never promises anything. It is a breaker of promises if ever one was given on the chill wind. The gray is there. You retreat into your abode. To sort through things and vacuum the stove.

You could ride your bike to the nature trails to spy any aliens hanging around but, they're all gone. They hide so well in November's gray as they match its somber color. You want to blast a warm light all around but the sun isn't going to help now that it's been obscured by an unnatural weather pattern.

November brings no hope so you shop. You plan for December. There's this one day where food is abundant, but it's just another day with the bonus of having more food. Knowing you can't eat all of it and really shouldn't. That's November. You wait for its exit and would speed right past it if you could.

An Observation by Iggy 2018